miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Nunca pude comprar en "Google Store Mexico" =(

Aquí dejo el ultimo intento para resolver un problema con Google Store... Trate de adquirir mercancía de You Tube para usar en mis vídeos (playeras, gorras, accesorios, etc...) A pesar que me di de alta en Google Wallet y que LOS SERVICIOS SE MUESTRAN DISPONIBLES EN MÉXICO .. Simplemente no se puede adquirir porque no hay envíos a mi país. Me comunique con un representante y aquí esta la conversación donde indica que no hay envíos para México.

Welcome to the Google Store. A representative will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with Pam

Alfredomatta: If google store and google wallet are available on Mexico, why I can´t buy???
Alfredomatta: I see always this message: GatewayCDI not make deliveries to this address via Google Checkout.
Pam: Hello, I'm sorry but our site ships only to the US and Canada. You may try the international store. Please go to googlestore.com and click on your region. This will get you to the international store.
Alfredomatta: I do that and i select Mexico
Pam: Yes, hopefully, they will be able to ship to you.
Alfredomatta: Mexico its in the map i select mexico
Pam: You may want to try South America. I certainly apologize, but our site cannot ship to Mexico.
Alfredomatta: I try select Mexico and this message: You currently do not have valid shipping ways
Pam: If you are on our site, you will not be able to place your order since we cannot ship to Mexico.
Alfredomatta: I live in Mexico, and Mexico seems available on You Tube store... But its so hard to have merchandise... =(
Alfredomatta: Well, thanks for all.. I appreciate the help =)
Alfredomatta: I'll wait for the future to be available You Tube merchandise in mexico =)
Alfredomatta: My name its Alfredomatta, thanks and have nice day =)
Pam: You're so welcome!
Una verdadera lastima, porque soy fiel a la empresa y deseaba promoverla en mis vídeos, después de todo You Tube me ha dado mucho... Tendré que esperar que en el futuro lo que indica la pagina sea verdad.